Our Curriculum


The Nursery School Curriculum


The Nursery School curriculum adheres to the principles of the EYFS framework and what we, as a setting, want children to know and experience by the time they leave us and begin their school life. 

We want to give the children the freedom, ability, encouragement and support to learn across the seven areas of learning. We offer equal opportunity to all our children ensuring that every child is included and supported. Teaching children acceptance, inclusiveness and that equal opportunities are open to all is important for all children to understand and experience. The Nursery School has built a culture where differences are valued. 

The experiences we provide for our children cover the following areas of learning, embedding and building on the Prime areas first and then moving onto the Specific areas to ensure a solid foundation for their future learning.


Communication and Language

Prime Area of Learning

Personal Social and Emotional Development

Prime Area of Learning


Prime Area of Learning


Specific Area of Learning


Specific Area of Learning

Understanding the World

Specific Area of Learning

Expressive Arts and Design

Specific Area of Learning















We implement our curriculum by knowing where a child’s starting point is and their Cultural Capital. Activities, experiences and teaching individual to each child will support them to progress in all areas of learning.  

We understand children develop at their own pace and therefore we will take the appropriate time to allow each child to develop to their maximum potential.  We want our children to be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured; ready to move forward in life. 

Our methods to develop a child’s learning are through the implementation of a wide range of experiences, all set within a stimulating, thought provoking, fun and challenging environment. Especially focusing on our outdoor area where we can offer the children the opportunity to extend and develop an interest and curiosity towards nature, whilst continuing to experience all areas of learning. 

Practitioners implement and guide children’s learning through communication and modelling language, questioning, showing, explaining, demonstrating and encouraging.  They will provide a narrative, as well as facilitating and setting challenges linked to their own ‘Next Steps’ of development. 

We want children’s language and literacy to develop quickly and confidently.  At The Nursery School we encourage communication and language, developing and extending vocabulary as children learn, echoing back conversation and adding new language. ‘Talk Boost’ groups are introduced to help children who may require additional support to assist their language and communication development.

We will provide opportunity and learning experiences across a wealth of subjects, ensuring British Fundamental Values and Cultural Diversity is valued and respected both within our Nursery and the wider community and at the heart of our learning.  We will challenge and enrich children’s learning by offering new experiences, building on interests and provoking curiosity and enthusiasm for other subjects. We build strong professional relationships with our families and children and use their interests and knowledge to support and extend learning.

As Practitioners we are passionate in guiding all children to achieve their full and unique potential. We will support them to share worries and concerns through our ELSA groups, giving opportunities to think, share and communicate feelings. 

At The Nursery School we will always strive to ensure that all children leave us as happy, confident learners. 



Please note our curriculum can change according to our cohort

Weekly planning can be found on the display board and on the The Nursery School Facebook page.